Bank of Openings
Creating Norms for Collaboration:
Ultimate Learning Norms
Strategies for Reviewing Norms at the Beginning of Adult Collaboration
Developing Norms with a Group that is Already established
Many Protocols, Activities, Resources from School Reform Initiative
Our favorite: The Future Protocol
Building Professional Learning Communities in Schools
Mindsets and Equitable Education
Changing the Discourse in Schools
Increase Motivation through Awareness of Current Reality and Vision
Peter Senge Explains Creative Tension
Great Quotes about Setting Direction
What Do You Call People With Visions? The Role of Vision, Mission and Goals in School Leadership and Improvement
Using Equity Audits to Create Equitable and Excellent Schools
Data Strategies to Uncover and Eliminate Hidden Inequities: The Wallpaper Effect
“Care less about the how as long as we get there. If we are not getting there, That’s a different conversation”
Create meeting agenda focused on learning
Increase my facilitation skills
Create and use group norms
Find a meeting opener
Choose the right protocol
Hold a pre-conference
Learn with others from data
Discuss a text with colleagues
Learn with others from a dilemma
Find sample probing questions
Assess my learning community
Understand why protocols matter