Atlas Protocol (CLEE 30-minute version)
Success Analysis (CLEE 40-minute version)
CLEE Cultural Categories of Change in Cultivating a Professional Learning Community
Instructional Rounds (CLEE version)
Many Protocols, Activities, Resources from School Reform Initiative
Our favorites: Atlas, Success Analysis, What? So What? Now What?
The Effort Effect
The Power of Yet
The Happy Secret to Better Work
On getting up again
Why Even Radiologists Can Miss a Gorilla Hiding In Plain Sight
I will be a hummingbird – Wangari Maathai (English)
A Tapestry
Listen to the Mustn’ts – Shell Silverstein
Great Quotes on Monitoring Progress/Sustaining Momentum
The Why Behind Using Facilitative Leadership to Close an Equity-Based Achievement Gap
Balanced Leadership Framework: Connecting Vision with Action
Instructional Rounds in Education: A Network Approach to Improving Teaching and Learning
“I do have my kids make graphs on their progression in reading and in writing…they’re very eager to look at it, and it’s an incentive to them to try to improve it… It really helps them take ownership of their learning”
Create meeting agenda focused on learning
Increase my facilitation skills
Create and use group norms
Find a meeting opener
Choose the right protocol
Hold a pre-conference
Learn with others from data
Discuss a text with colleagues
Learn with others from a dilemma
Find sample probing questions
Assess my learning community
Understand why protocols matter