Top 10 Facilitator Moves from Leading for Powerful Learning
Facilitative Leadership Observational Tool
CLEE Agenda Development Tool: Planning for Adult Collaboration
CLEE Cultural Categories of Change in Cultivating a Professional Learning Community
Many Protocols, Activities, Resources from School Reform Initiative
Our favorites: Zones of Comfort, Risk, and Danger, Issaquah
When Nice Won’t Suffice
Moral Leadership (Chapter 7: Collegiality as a Professional Virtue)
The Power of Protocols: An Educator’s Guide to Better Practice
Great Quotes_Poems on Collaboration
Leading for Powerful Learning: A Guide for Instructional Leaders
Building School-based Teacher Learning Communities
Teachers in Professional Communities: Improving Teaching and Learning
“Before I thought just having rock star teachers in every single classroom would be enough. But I think you need rock star teachers who are interested and able to work together…putting that common vision over their individual glory”
Create meeting agenda focused on learning
Increase my facilitation skills
Create and use group norms
Find a meeting opener
Choose the right protocol
Hold a pre-conference
Learn with others from data
Discuss a text with colleagues
Learn with others from a dilemma
Find sample probing questions
Assess my learning community
Understand why protocols matter