CLEE’s research demonstrates that when CLEE-trained leaders implement the Core Leadership Practices (CLP), equity increases in student learning. The more a school implements the CLPs, the greater their increases in learning outcomes and educational equity. Bottom line, shared leadership focused on continuous improvement increases equitable outcomes for students.
CLEE engages in continuous learning, conducting our own research, and incorporating it into our practice
Empirical research about CLEE’s work:
Leadership Practices to Increase Equity through Closing Intraschool Achievement Gaps.
Learning Community Survey Validity and Reliability Study. Center for Leadership and Educational Equity.
Transforming Equity-Oriented Leaders: Principal Residency Network program evaluation.
CLEE studies/work cited as Braun et al. in 2017 Rand Study: School Leadership Interventions Under the Every Student Succeeds Act: Evidence Review (pgs 20-10)