Materials to help prepare for a feedback session
Choosing the Right Protocol
Helping the Presenter Find Their Focus
Pre-Conference Worksheet
Consultancy Protocol (CLEE 30-minute version)
Instructional Rounds/Atlas: Learning from Classroom Observations (CLEE version)
Tuning Protocol (CLEE 30-minute version)
Many Protocols, Activities, Resources from School Reform Initiative
Our favorites: Consultancy to Look at Student Work, Tuning Protocol
Hidden Brain podcast: In The Classroom, Common Ground Can Transform GPAs
Culturally Responsive Teaching and The Brain
How People Learn
Making America Smarter
Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning
Professional Capital: Transforming Teaching in Every School
“Before, I thought student learning was about effort and initiative of the student. Now, I think about the classroom environment to make the student feel safe enough to try things.”
Create meeting agenda focused on learning
Increase my facilitation skills
Create and use group norms
Find a meeting opener
Choose the right protocol
Hold a pre-conference
Learn with others from data
Discuss a text with colleagues
Learn with others from a dilemma
Find sample probing questions
Assess my learning community
Understand why protocols matter