The Center for Leadership and Educational Equity

CLEE’s nationally-recognized programs drive student success by developing shared leadership to address the root causes of educational inequities, transforming instructional practices and systems.


Upcoming Programs, Events and Information Sessions


Sign Up for PRN Application

Apply to the Principal Residency Network to start your journey to become a PK-12 principal and make a huge impact in your school communities.

Attend a virtual PRN Info Session

Learn more about the equity dispositions and leadership skills in service to any school community during one of the upcoming one-hour information sessions. 


Our Impact

CLEE uses research and evidence-based practices to drive our work of improving equity within schools. You can read our equity statement here.


Admission into leadership roles

93% of people who graduate the Principal Residency Network (PRN) enter administrative roles (data from 2001-2017).



Educators trained in the LLN

CLEE has trained over 700 educators in our Learning Leader Network (LNN) program, representing 38 towns and cities in Rhode Island.



Participants show growth

98% participants in the Learning Leader Network say that they have grown in the areas of being a reflective practitioner and in giving feedback to their colleagues.