CLEE has resumed in-person learning. The following guidelines are to enhance the safety of staff and guests.
As of 3/21/22, CLEE will follow the CDC guidelines: masks are optional when the community is in low and medium ratings .
CLEE will:
Deploy MERV-13 (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) filters for the ventilation system
Have available infrared (no touch) thermometers available if anyone wants to check themselves
Have available disposable masks will be available for anyone that wants one
Have available hand sanitizers placed throughout the office
Staff and guests must:
Anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19 should stay at home and get a COVID-19 test as soon as possible.
If you test negative, we can welcome you to join us at CLEE, as long as you feel well enough and are fever-free
If you’ve been at CLEE and subsequently tested positive or have been around someone who tested positive within 5 days, please let your CLEE facilitator know
Questions/concerns? Call 401-400-2407 or email