Network for School Administrators Focused on Equity (NSAFE)



NSAFE is a yearlong professional enrichment community in which school and district administrators receive a network experience, one-on-one coaching, and high-quality research, and evidence-based informed professional learning..  NSAFE supports the leader in leading their school community towards equity with the strategic use of data by setting direction, measuring progress, reorganizing systems, and building the capacity to collaborate, lead, and teach with their community.

The school administrator is supported by both their CLEE Coach and their Peer-to-Peer Network to enhance their skills with the use of data, root cause analysis, and facilitation skills in leading cycles of continuous improvement as a leader for equity. The use of data to identify root cause analysis and facilitation skills to accelerate and sustain leading for equity and will create a shared vision for equity throughout the school. The shared leadership allows the school administrator to continue to develop and sustain the school culture that supports educators to grow their capacity to close equity gaps without feeling like they have to do it alone.


CLick on the button below to learn more about NSAFE

NSAFE includes:

NSAFE will ensure you have the support, continuous feedback, and the opportunity to expedite the capacity building of your educators to lead towards high and equitable student learning outcomes, build the capacity of your educators to lead and collaborate with you so that the school can achieve by engaging in:

  • Collaborative peer-to-peer network sessions for you focused on leading short, collaborative cycles of inquiry to increase equity using student outcome data in your roles.

  • Individual coaching to help you lead continuous cycles of improvement, formal observation sessions of the administrator to continue to build your capacity in facilitative leadership, providing feedback, and collaborative problem solving around specific problems of practice. You will learn to facilitate learning experiences that engage educators in strengthening leadership skills and dispositions, giving and receiving feedback, and using data, research, and dialogue to improve instructional and school practices that close achievement gaps.

  • Support for you and your school to engage in data-driven change. CLEE will collect, analyze, and report data related to the participating school’s results, through:

    • Use of a CLEE Learning Community Survey administered at pre and  post to monitor adult learning practices 

    • Use of student-level achievement data at pre and post

NSAFE 2021-2022 Virtual Schedule of Events

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Contact Janelle Clarke-Holley,, 401-400-2407 for program information.