Novice Principal Induction Network (NPIN)
Will you be a new principal or a new assistant principal in the first or second year of your principalship? How amazing would it be if you had access to support? Pinch yourself, this is not a dream!
We invite you to nourish your confidence, growth, and impact by participating in CLEE’s (drumroll please) Novice Principal Induction Network (NPIN)!
Through this opportunity, you will receive the CLEE support of critical friendship, collegial feedback, and powerful 1:1 coaching from experienced CLEE leadership coaches to cultivate your leadership and to help you build the shared leadership capacity of educators in your school. NPIN will help you be SUSTAINED so you can be the leader for equity and impact that you have always envisioned! NPIN is in its fourth year and this opportunity is not just for PRN graduates but is also for anyone who is a new principal or assistant principal role!
NPIN includes:
Peer to Peer network session to learn with other principals or assistant principals who are also new leaders.
Individual principal coaching which includes feedback and collaborative problem-solving around specific problems of practice that you are facing in your new role, coaching around building sustainable systems and leading cycles of continuous improvement to help you lead for equity, observations on facilitative leadership, planning support, and other leadership supports.
Use data to engage in cycles of continuous improvement.
CLEE will collect, analyze, report, and provide you with personalized data related to your school’s results through:
Use of a CLEE Learning Community Survey administered at pre and post times to monitor adult learning practices and help you plan strategically and systematically
Use of student-level achievement data at pre and post times to help you monitor progress
Findings will be published
Contact Mark Prince,, 401-400-2407 for program information.