Equity Leader Accelerator Program
Build and Sustain Your District's Principal Pipeline
funded by a SEED grant from USDOE
Support and retain your district's school leaders and grow the next generation of school administrators by partnering with CLEE’s Equity Leader Accelerator Program (ELAP).
CLEE is collaborating with the American Institutes for Research (AIR) to support early career principals to enact MA DESE's Anti-racist Leadership Competencies while concurrently supporting:
experienced school leaders to serve as mentors for early career principals
emerging school leaders and aspiring principals to become school leaders
district leaders to strengthen systems that support leadership preparation, induction, and mentoring.
Benefits to Your District
Increase high and equitable learning outcomes for students.
Retain talent and level-up experienced leaders.
Prepare early career principals to mentor the next generation of leaders.
Implement long-lasting systems and practices to provide a sustainable pipeline and continuous career development for school leaders.
This is a two-year program supported by a US Department of Education grant so these services are offered at no cost to your district.
Year 1: Early Career Principals Mentored by Experienced School Leaders
Year 2: Early Career Principals Mentor Emerging Leaders or Aspiring Principals
Criteria for Participants
Early Career Principals (ECP) - school leaders who have been in a leadership position for up to 5 years that requires a Principal/Assistant Principal Administrator Certification and who are responsible for instructional leadership school-wide.
Experienced School Leaders who act as a mentor for an ECP in their district in Year 1
Aspiring/Emerging Principals to be mentored by an ECP in year 2
CLEE Commitment
CLEE will provide evidence-based leadership development, including 1-1 coaching, professional learning sessions, and virtual learning tools and resources to supplement MA DESE’s Mentoring Modules using CLEE’s proven practices honed over 20 years of school leadership preparation.
District Commitment
Support principals at multiple stages of their career to participate in coaching and professional learning.
Collaborate with the American Institute for Research and CLEE to collect necessary data.
Provide release time for school leaders to engage in professional learning and coaching.
Year One Time Commitment
Complete the Equity Leader Accelerator Interest Form to set up a time to talk with us, request a Memorandum of Understanding, and/or sign up to attend an information sessions on:
• March 3, 2023 - 3:00pm -
Massachusetts School DIstricts that want to build their Equity Leader Pipelines and enact MA DESE’s Anti-Racist Leadership Competencies. See more about how this program serves school leaders here.
Year-one cohorts of Early Career Principals and their mentors will begin in June 2023.
See the program activities and services for both years of the program:
• ELAP Year 1 Planned Program Activities and Services
• ELAP Year 2 Planned Program Activities and Services -
There is no cost to School Districts. This work is fully funded and supported by a USDOE SEED Grant, and has a minimum value of $160,000/school for the entire ELAP cycle.
There are limited openings available for this opportunity. Districts can enroll one or more pairs of leaders. Year-one supports pairs of Early Career Principal & Mentor Experienced School Leaders.
Early Career Principals (ECP) - A school leader who has been in a position for up to 5 years that requires a Principal/Assistant Principal Administrator Certification and who is responsible for instructional leadership school wide.
Experienced School Leaders - A school and/or district leader with over five years of experience who will serve as a mentor to Early Career Principals (Year 1 of ELAP). These leaders may be principals (in the same or different school as Early Career Principals), or they may be principal supervisors or other experienced leaders in the district.
In order to fully engage in the deep learning for the leaders in this work will require participation in all of the experiences and attending all of sessions captured in the documents below for each of the two years:
Each cycle is a 2-year commitment:
Year 1: Early Career Principals Mentored by Experienced School Leaders
Year 2: Early Career Principals Mentor Emerging Leaders or Aspiring PrincipalsYear One Time Commitment
1-on-1 Coaching with CLEE - about an hour a month virtual or at your schoolNetwork Learning Sessions - about two hours every other mont virtual with colleagues across MA
Support from District Mentor - one weekly check-in virtual or at your school
Learning and Leading Resources - flexible modules and resources for leading
For more details about the commitments, see the agreements and expectations below by role:
• SEED Early Career Principal Participant Agreement
• SEED Experienced Leader Participant Agreement
• SEED Experienced Leader Participant Agreement for the Aspiring Principals and Emerging Leaders -
ELAP will implement the instructional activities using CLEE’s high-quality methodology grounded in adult learning theories, to enable leaders to improve their schools through practitioner-based improvement cycles (Bryk et al., 2015) that strengthen educator practices in the instructional core (City et al., 2009).
• identify an inequity within the school between a high-need focal group of underserved students and their peers.
• analyze the root causes of the inequity to set goals and actions steps to address those causes.
• enhance their ability to coach and mentor
• build the capacity for educators to improve practices in the instructional core to impact the root causes of the inequity.
• build the capacity for educators to collaborate and lead together to increase equity using facilitative leadership practices that empower shared leadership.
• reorganize and align systems to achieve the best outcomes.
• monitor data and adjust efforts to continue improvements.
Impact on student learning
The ELAP evidence-based leadership development practices, as well as the equity leadership practices ELAP will foster, have a significant impact on improving student academic and social emotional learning (Leithwood et al., 2010; Waters et al., 2003). Further, Braun et al. (2021; 2017) have shown that the use of equity leader practices (i.e., CLEE Core Leadership Practices) is significantly correlated (medium to large effect sizes) with increasing growth for focal groups of students in high need groups and their peers.Impact on educators
The ELAP evidence-based practices as well the equity leader practices ELAP will foster have a significant impact on improving the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that support collaboration and instructional practices of educators (Herman et al., 2017; Leithwood et al., 2010; Waters et al., 2003) needed to increase equity. Further, CLEE research has shown critical beliefs regarding educator efficacy and students’ unlimited potential are impacted by the ELAP practices (Li et al., 2022; Braun et al., 2017; 2021).Impact on leaders
The ELAP evidence-based practices have a significant impact on the ability for leaders to implement equity leadership practices (Braun et al., 2017; Leithwood et al., 2004). Further, effective professional learning for school leaders can impact retention of school leaders (Jacob et al., 2015; Levin & Bradley, 2019). -
ELAP provides trained mentorship experiences and professional learning experiences/hours, both of which are required to apply for advanced certification in MA.
This program will build your leadership capacity to implement the many initiatives already in place
We can work on an individual basis to see what could work.
If you have questions, would like more information or if you are ready to take advantage of this opportunity to support equity leaders and build an equity leader pipeline, please complete this interest form.