Bring FREE Evidence-Based Professional Learning to Your District!
Join with CLEE to Win a USDOE Educational Innovation and Research Grant
Strengthen leadership and/or SEL practices that will sustain the momentum toward equity far into the future.
Increase learning, student engagement and attendance
By focusing on students with the most disproportionate academic outcomes (e.g. students who receive multilingual and special education services), equity and evidence-based practices are strengthened.
Achieve school wide goals
By building the capacity for principals to use shared leadership to accelerate and sustain momentum toward the school goals.
Activate stakeholder engagement
By igniting the voice and engagement of students and families through effective School Improvement/Leadership Teams.
Retain leaders and teachers
By fostering shared leadership and teacher agency to work toward school wide goals.
Increase district and school coherence
By implementing and monitoring the progress of district-wide initiatives to achieve equitable outcomes.
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Check out the table below to see which grant best meets your improvement goals.