Get Support to Enact Your Student Opportunity Act (SOA) Plan
Get Support to Enact Your Student Opportunity Act (SOA) Plan
As you know, the Massachusetts Student Opportunity Act (SOA) requires your district to create a three-year plan to rapidly address persistent disparities in achievement across student groups. One of the requirements of these plans is to select evidence-based programs to address disparities in outcomes. We can help your district with the implementation of your plans.
The Center for Leadership and Educational Equity (CLEE) has many evidence-based professional development practices that can help address these disparities and measure impact. We are a national organization located in Rhode Island with a local footprint in Massachusetts.
CLEE sessions, coaching, and data support equip educators at every level in your district to identify, evaluate, and implement strategies to address the disparities identified in your SOA plan. For example, we can directly address requirements in your plan for Continuous Improvement, MTSS support, and sustaining and retaining staff.
We support teams of educators, including school and district leaders to:
use disaggregated data to identify improvements that increase equity,
employ collaborative facilitative leadership skills,
lead quick cycles to implement key improvements (e.g., implementing high quality curriculum, literacy or math strategies across the curriculum, wellbeing outcomes, etc.)
foster student and family voice and participation.
The collaborative nature of the process builds the capacity of your teams by giving them agency and buy-in to make improvements that address disparities in student outcomes. We’d love to partner with you to turn a state requirement into an engine that improves student outcomes while empowering teachers and leaders.