Embracing Leadership in a Pandemic
Hear from a few Aspiring Principals as they reflect on their experiences in the PRN.
vency beato
I am being challenged in a way that I could have never imagined by this experience, and I know that it will make me an even stronger leader for my future students and staff.
As I reflect on my residency experience, the progress of my continuous improvement plan is what I am most proud of and excited about. After completing my summer data dig, I uncovered inequities between students with and students without disabilities in 3rd and 4th grade math. I then set a vision for each instructional core component and formed a plan around several change ideas needed to both close this gap, and uphold excellence in learning and teaching during a pandemic.
As I reflect on my PRN process thus far, I think of the roller coaster of emotions. The days I leave the building feeling confident and accomplished and then the days where I leave feeling like there is so much more I need to learn. As I continue to be my biggest critic and stay awake at night replaying scenarios in my head of how I could have done things differently, I do go to sleep each night very grateful to be a part of this process. What I have learned about myself as a leader and what I will continue to learn for the remainder of my residency is something I will never take for granted
Rebecca Dinerman
Through my conversation with my mentor, I have come to realize that leadership is a multi-step process with many interworking parts.
Looking to the future, I plan to ensure that my school continues to foster an environment in which staff feel comfortable developing and supporting each other in the development of responsive practices and challenging assumptions that conflict with the pursuit of high, equitable student outcomes.
My PRN journey has been captivating, illuminating, overwhelming, frustrating, humbling and above all inspiring. As I approach the midpoint of both the school year as well as this PRN process I am amazed not only at the amount of knowledge I have gained but how applicable it is to effective school leadership. Just viewing my learning plan over the summer was daunting, like trying to decipher a foreign language.
In my continued pursuit of excellence, I draw upon my commitment to my vision to become a self-directed learner. I can use the PRN learning experiences to build the collaborative or leadership capacity of the school through development of learning partnerships and continuation of building relationships with diverse stakeholders ; i.e. Administrators, teachers, families, students and other community leaders to engage in conversations around our current reality and an alternative vision
The last few months in the Principal Residency Network (PRN) has pushed me harder than any post-secondary program I have ever experienced. I believe I have learned more about myself as an educator of color and the role I serve as a school leader than I ever imagined myself learning coming into the program (Kevin Montoya)
Natalia ST.LOUIS
When I see the CSG’s group text lighting up, I feel connected to the people, program, and work we are doing. Our work sessions together in the CSG have exploded my learning as we talk about the PRN related work but also bring our own experiences to the discussion.
Before my PRN experience I was a little shy until I became comfortable with speaking up and advocating for various issues. Now, I am no longer afraid to speak up and use my voice to support and help influence the changes that are needed in my school and community.
My CSG consisted of my colleagues from the Johnson and Wales Masters of Education program and we are able to support and learn from each other as the program progresses. I also enjoy the connections that I have been able to make with other aspiring principals and mentor principals both in the PRN program and other leaders I was able to meet through the school shadowing interviews.
I am learning to be a leader and a team member that walks in the building each day with the focus on improving the experience of our amazing students through the unwavering support of our amazing faculty and staff. This experience is providing me the opportunity to build on my strengths while I continue to reflect on and find opportunities in the areas which I need to grow. I am learning to speak out, reach out, to ask for help and and use my voice as a catalyst for change.